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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Can you help search out
Curriculum of Peaceful Banking
cases by week include
1 brac and grameen pre-digital; other circles banks inspired by yunus -eg Obama's mothers works in sustaining artisan villges in indonesia; coop structures popular in phillipines
2 mobile digital chnages to grameen and brac; kenya as innovator of wholly new m,odels including jamii bora, mpesa, nanocredit, table babnking
3 what leapfrogs in micr-infraysructure did wonen4empowerment parrbnerships design (to also be their own finacial networks- eg yunus grameen develops bank a billion solar energy model- critical to its success uis credit for joining in makin a whole off-grid village solar empowered eg brac becomes designed round 4-in-one services: Ultra poor; Vilage microcredit+; brac bank for urban poor especially chidren of original bran vlage parents; cashless banking www,bkash.org

Our main hypotheses:
1 peaceful banking maps intergenerational impacts as its overall valuation metric
- mathematically this requires often exactly opposite professional auditing from one group in a market extracting and externalising from every other constituency

2.0 until 1946 the biggest determinant f peaceful banking occurred when governments, banks and corporations did not indulge in speculating over the commons- land, real estate- clearly speculation happens when governments  offers devlelopment licences to inside traders

2.1 after 1946, all kinds of media space became ultimately even more valuable than bricks as the human race spent 4000 times more on global commns tech in 2030 than 1946

following alumni of keynes and economists who see their systemic hippocratic oath as designing systems that help youth end poverty
*community banking can only be sustained bottom up
**families need trustworhy ways to save to invest in their next generation's livelihoods

as end-poverty mapmakers of the world being designed around human networking and digital universalisation of information, we also posit that solutions which offer life-changing replications offere the greatest opportunity and threat to advancing the human lot- it depends whether they are owned by one unidentifiable top group that sucks out value from every community every quatrter or are owned so that most or all fo the value produced stays with the local producers and community served

Paul Farmer explians the 3 precepts of POP practuioners
Live and learn with the poorest how your profession can help them
Obesrve what system tranps beyond your exertise are compounding poverty and network across discipline to end these
Regard it as a sin niot to roiorte advances in moder technolgy's apps around the poorest

Keynes conclusion to his general theory clarified the compound risk that practitioners who get on with actions are often blinded/trapped in not understanding what theories have become constitutionalised around standards that are not diverse enough (not every peoples next development decision can be made from basis of infrastructure us congress takes for granted) and abusive (since macroeconomists dont value parenting women and children's futures are devalued wherever these policy makers rule)
....banking systems worth elarning peaceful development from

week 1
similarities and differences between Bangladesh's predigital banks for poor at BRAC and at Grameen (Yunus circles banking)

other developing country models truly inspired by bangladesh logics

other rural pre-digital poverty banks

week 2 mobile digital connectivity started being experimented with partners of the poorest from 1996;

no pre-digital banking model could be sustained without transformation,
introduction to why the big 2 bangaladesh banks were well placed to stay ahead whereas many yunus-inspired banks outside bangladesh were not

meanwhile kenya in particular was to first to invest in digtal age models:
Jamii Bora

Week 3 in the pre-digital age it was natural that the best for the poor microcredit banks also became investors in the largest numbers of microfranchise solutions; in the post digital age- even grameen and brac had to focus- success stories

week 3.1 both youth technoloy wizards and mobile women4empowerment sought to track the greatest leapfrogs in last mile infrastcuctue- investing in such became more relevant to be a sustainable development force for many microfranchsing solitions than a network's origin as a bank (except where national regulations blocked this)

week 5 2012 saw the first time that an elite banking instution the world bank was presided over a practitioner of preferential option for poor- which other elite globaf funds for ending poverty will linkin- search for banks that do not greenwash preferential option poor and what models make infratsructure investment banks trustworthy to all of us peopels as global villagers