some types of moocs we are searching for -help correspond at this blog or at
http://bracnet.ning.com1.0 missing curriculum - eg financial literacy is a missing curriculum
1.1 missing curriculum of the next 3 billion jobs that can only be designed by bottom-up and collaboration entrepreneurs in line my dad's 1984 book
1.1.1 including 1 billion green energy (eg secondary curriculum of biogas ovens by mit students_, green agriculture ( eg bottom up value chain innovation models of usaid relevant to , and transformation to zero waste jobs
1.1.2 1 billion jobs of make every global village sustainable wherever next child is born in terms of nutrition, haslth, peace, education, safe home- a specific curriculum being the nurse as most trusted village online networker of 21st C - see eg
grameenscotland1.1.3 1 billion jobs that couldn't have been dreamed over until todays million times mopre collaboration tech than when man raced to moon
2.0 curriculum that my family has helped research before MOOC exist - eg world's number 1 curriculum of brands that do no eeil links to 7 curricula whose trillion dollar markets dad believed most need to be freed around the greats intergenerational purpose that cam be exponentially sustained
3.0 various moocs where I myself want to action learn through urgent change - thsee include how every worldcitizen can partner china in trade and how to help us students change how they both study current government and urgently linkin to designing back from the future government
4.0 various other moocs on mapping future systems , education revolution including youth investment outcomes of youth entrepreneur competitions and free university designs
4.1 various other moocs that only the most revolutionary education expeiements can help edit - eg $100 laptop or new zealand's
thelearningweb.netthere are also people to linkin with unique contributions even if they cannct help design a complete mooc